Ragnarok is an MMORPG. Marketting advertisment keywords include: spare PC parts, computer parts, fast ISPs, server hosting, anime, and plushies.

Frequently Asked Questions!
Updated version: on the forum.Here’s a list of common questions and the answers to them. For a question not found here, please use the “Search” option and if you still can’t find an answer, post it here. Note that some answers are subject to change with the new administration.
Questions index:
Where do I register?
What do I do if I forgot my password?
What is the main site for Ethereal-RO?
Where is the Control Panel?
What do I need to play/how do I install Ethereal-RO?
Where do I get the Ethereal-RO patch?
What do I do when I get errors that I never used to get even after I updated my Ethereal-RO patch?
Where is the client/IP for Ethereal-RO?
What do I do if my downloads stops at random %?
What do I do if the download takes too long?
Why can’t I make a character?
What do I do when I get sprite/module errors?
What do I do when I get “Cannot init d3d OR grf file has a problem”?
What do I do when I see a black screen or some part darkened?
What do I do when I get .dll errors?
What do I do when I get “AIL_quick_load_and_play” error?
What do I do when I get palette errors?
What do I do when I get .rgz and .txt errors when manually patching?
What do I do when I click “Start” to play the game (in the Auto-Patcher) and nothing happens?
What do I do when the server says that it still recognizes my last login?
What do I do when the server says “Failed to Connect”?
What do I do when it says “Prohibited to login until…”?
What do I do to make the item descriptions in english?
What do I do when I get an error message saying: “NSIS ERROR. Installer corrupted or error…”?
Where can I find information about Ragnarok Online?
I was told to use dscexe.exe to connect if the patcher doesnt work for me, but I can’t find that file in the RO folder. Where is it?
What do I do when all/some of my equips/items/zeny are gone?
What do I do when my character is stuck?
What do I do when I get hacked/scammed/kill stealed or when I want to report a bot?
What do I do when I want to change gender?
What do I do when I want to marry someone?
What do I do if my account is gone/deleted?
What do I do if I am banned?
What do I do when the game closed by itself?
Q. Where do I register?
A. Register here.
Q. What do I do if I forgot my password?
A. Your in-game and forum password may be different depending on what you used when you registered for each. Remember that you have to know the e-mail you used for the forum and in-game (I put these kind of infos in Notepad somewhere in my computer so I won`t forget). If you do forget these, chat with the GMs on IRC.
Q. What is the main site for Ethereal-RO?
A. The main site is www.ethereal-ro.com
Q. Where is the Control Panel?
A. The CP is here. ~Up~
Q. What do I need to play/how do I install Ethereal-RO?
A. Follow the instructions in the installation guide on the main site here.
Q. Where can I find in-game information about equipment, monsters, and stats?
A. Start Menu > Programs > Ethereal-RO has a few: roempire.com has information on equipment, items, monsters; for stat calculators, iROCalc is semi-updated.
Q. Where do I get the Ethereal-RO patch?
A. Download it from www.ethereal-ro.com
The patch requires a Sakray 0920a or higher.
Q. Where do I get the Ethereal-RO full client?
A. Download it at: http://files.filefront.com/4323377
The installer is fully loaded and requires no additional.
Q. Where are the VOIP servers?
A. Ventrillo and TeamSpeak are currently running at www.ethereal-ro.com!.
Q. What do I do if my downloads stops at random %?
A. Thanks to some users for suggesting this, which seems to be working pretty well. If your download stops at random % all of a sudden and then when you start the download again, it either resumes at lower % than it stopped on (and stops again after a while) or if it restarts the download from 0%, just go to http://www.download.com, search for Download Accelerator Plus or any other download manager such as GetRight, FlashGet and GetGo. This will let you resume to your current % if you choose to pause the download so download it, install it and then try to download the file and see what happens.
Q. What do I do if the download takes too long?
A. You have the choice to either choose a different mirror, get a better Internet connection, ask a friend to send it to you (i.e. MSN or on CD) or just be patient.
Q. What do I do when I get an error message saying: “NSIS ERROR. Installer corrupted or error…”?
A. Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) is an open source installation system. It was created by the WinAmp authors to distribute that application, but it is now a general-purpose system which anyone might use.
The download did not complete because the server crashed as you were trying to download the file. When the server crashes as you are downloading, your comptuer _thinks_ the download finished, but it only results in a corrupted file. You cannot salvage what you’ve downloaded and you have to redownload the installer. Instead of downloading the installer x-number of times, I suggest using a download manager. ‘DL EXPERT’ is a good choice. NO spyware & NO scum… well, I haven’t heard anything about it yet…
Try re-downloading and re-run it.
If it still doesn’t work, try these steps:
– Make sure if you’ve got enough space in the HDD you’re trying to d/l the installation to (i.e. F:\) and make sure that your Windows\Temp folder has enough space to hold the installation pack in it.
– Disable firewall on your PC when trying to install.
– You might be infected by a virus. Run a scan on your PC and see what it can find. Use McAfe’s ‘Stinger.exe’ for it (google it and you should find it!) After success scan, try to run the installer again.
Q. What do I do when I get “Cannot init d3d OR grf file has a problem”?
A-1. The background graphics of Ragnarok Online is in 3D graphics so you will need a 3D card that can handle the latest Direct X file and you need to make sure your Direct3D is up-to-date as well. In other words, download the latest copy of Direct X and install it. If you still get this error, re-install.
To update your graphic/video card, simply visit your graphic/video card producer website (i.e: If you have NVIDIA, download the latest drivers at NVIDIA).
If you don’t know what are the specs of your computer, do the following:
Click Start -> Run…
Type “dxdiag” (without the quotes) and a window will appear showing you pretty much everything about your computer (entering the BIOS is also another way to do this when pressing F2 when your computer is starting up).
A-2. If you’ve updated your DirectX to the latest version and/or re-installed it, simply do the following:
1: Go to your RO folder, open the Setup.exe file.
2: When opened, you can change different settings for your Ethereal-RO. Now, to fix the d3d-problem, you should view this picture while reading on…
3: As you can see, the “#1” in the picture is where you choose what Direct3D you want to use. Choose ‘Direct3D HAL’ from the drop-down menu*
* = IF ‘Direct3D HAL’ does _not_ work, try using ‘Direct3D T&L HAL’ instead. It really doesn’t matter because they’re both almost the same, really…
4: In “#2”, you should set whatever resolution you are using on your PC. Ie: My PC/screen is using 1152 x 864 resolution. Therefore, I must choose 1152 x 864 x 16 from the drop-down menu in order to make the game work in the same resolution mode as my PC is using. (x 16 = color mode, but it doesn’t matter if you have 16 or 32 bits color in your color settings. It should work anyway.)
You can access the settings-menu on your PC by:
1: Go to your windows desktop.
2: Right-click, choose “Properties” and you will come to the monitor properites menu.
3: Choose “Settings” from the tab-menu and see what your resolution is (as shown in the above picture/example) NOTE: You do _not_ need to use the same resolution as I am using in the example! You can use lower/higher resolution, but make sure that whatever resolution you’re using, you should pick the same resolution in the ‘Setup.exe’!
4: Click “OK” when you’re done and you’re… DONE!
Try running “EtherealRO.exe” file now and try starting the game now…
Q. What do I do when I see a black screen or some part darkened?
A. Refer to the answers right above.
Q. What do I do when I get .dll errors?
A. If a .dll error occurs such as missing “binkw32.dll”, it probably means you are either missing that file or it’s corrupted.
A-1. Do a search of that file to see if it’s maybe misplaced. Click on Start > Search and type the missing .dll. If you find it, move it to your RO folder where all your other .dll are to run the game properly.
A-2. Download the missing .dll by searching it in Google and save them in your RO folder where all the other .dll are. These .dll files must be in your RO folder (not your C:\Windows\System32 folder) in order for it to run properly:
binkw32.dll cps.dll dbghelp.dll granny2.dll ijl15.dll Mss32.dll NPCHK.DLL NPCIPHER.DLL npkcrypt.dll npkeysdk.dll npkpdb.dl NPPSK.DLL NPUPDATED.DLL npupdate.dll NPX.DLL |
In case you are missing WINDOWS system files such as “kernel32.dll”, do the same thing as above and search that file in the Internet (Google, Yahoo, etc) and this time, save that file in your C:\Windows\System32 folder.
Q. What do I do when I get “AIL_quick_load_and_play” error?
A. This probably means the Ethereal-RO patch is not in the right folder. Download the Ethereal-RO patch and save it in your RO folder.
Q. What do I do when I get sprite/module errors?
A. If you get something like this:
“EtherealRO v1.0 EXE has Crashed” Module Name: D:\kRO\dscexe.exe Time Stamp: 0x417cc1a2 – Mon Oct 25 02:04:34 2004 Exception Type: 0xc0000005 0x004efe50 dscexe.exe 0x00542c12 dscexe.exe 0x004d5cb4 dscexe.exe 0x005d90e5 dscexe.exe 0x005ef054 dscexe.exe 0x77e4f38c kernel32.dll eax: 0x00000000 ebx: 0x0ba376a0 ecx: 0x00000000 edx: 0x00689480 esi: 0x00000000 edi: 0x00000000 ebp: 0x0012fbfc esp: 0x0012fbe8 stack 0012fbe8 – 0012ffe8 0012FBE8 : 64 15 5C 00 FF FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 A0 76 A3 0B 0012FBF8 : 88 D1 68 00 14 FC 12 00 12 2C 54 00 12 8F 68 00 0012FC08 : 3A 8F 68 00 00 8F 68 00 1B 00 00 00 38 FC 12 00 0012FC18 : B4 5C 4D 00 08 8F 68 00 D0 FE 12 00 00 00 00 00 0012FC28 : 01 00 00 00 B0 FF 12 00 56 6D 60 00 FF FF FF FF 0012FC38 : 34 FF 12 00 E5 90 5D 00 00 00 00 00 A0 76 A3 0B 0012FC48 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 FD 7F 78 07 04 01 0012FC58 : 00 00 04 01 F0 61 06 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0012FC68 : 90 FE 12 00 34 5A F4 77 80 95 F8 77 FF FF FF FF 0012FC78 : 78 02 00 00 B3 73 F4 77 F3 73 F4 77 00 00 00 00 0012FC88 : 80 98 06 01 00 00 00 00 51 00 00 00 00 9B 06 01 0012FC98 : 20 9B 06 01 78 98 06 01 31 04 F5 77 00 00 04 01 0012FCA8 : 30 9B 06 01 78 98 06 01 55 00 00 00 B8 02 00 00 0012FCB8 : 80 02 00 00 A0 02 00 00 B8 02 00 00 9A 00 00 00 0012FCC8 : A4 FE 12 01 A8 FE 12 00 F7 F5 F4 77 00 00 04 01 0012FCD8 : 01 00 00 00 C6 F5 F4 77 08 06 04 01 A4 F9 F4 77 Launch Info 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Job : Novice |
A-1. Note that the job class may differ at the bottom. In any case, make sure your Ethereal-RO.exe shortcut is directed to your RO folder.
A-2. If it is, then it’s probably an incorrect installation of your RO clients (kRO and Sakray) and/or the Ethereal-RO patch. The first step to fixing this is to update your RO clients (kRO then Sakray). To update them, first run “Update Ragnarok.exe” located in your RO folder and let it update. Once kRO is done (do not update them at the same time), you can now run “Update Sakray.exe” and let it update. After the updates have been successfully updated, finally run “EtherealRO.exe” and it should fix the errors. Remember that it’s best if you have the latest kRO and Sakray installed. The updating may take some time if you haven’t updated them in a while so try this a couple of times (5 times is recommended) in case you didn’t patch correctly.
If you never updated and there was an update to the server, just click on the EtherealRO.exe to let it auto-patch.
A-3. Another way to fix the errors is to re-install both kRO and Sakray and get the latest version of each (some may be too old so get newer ones) as well as the Ethereal-RO latest patch and properly install them. kRO and Sakray downloads are found here.
Let me remind you again that all 3 files installation must be installed in the same RO directory (C:\Program Files\Gravity\RO). People often install the files in the wrong/different folder.
Q. What do I do when I get palette errors?
A. Simply update your RO clients (kRO then Sakray) and finally the Ethereal-RO patch (one update at a time in the right order, kRO -> Sakray-> Ethereal-RO). Another way is to to download the palette you need and save it in your RO folder.
Q. What do I do when I get .rgz and .txt errors when manually patching?
A. Follow these steps to fix the following errors:
Fixing “Failed to get 2004-08-05aRagexeAD.rgz”:
1. Open Ragnarok.exe and let it fail
2. Open patch2.txt in your RO folder and search for “2004-08-05aRagexeAD.rgz”
3. Replace “2004-08-05aRagexeAD.rgz” with “2004-08-05AD.rgz”
4. Save the file and enable Read Only
5. Open Ragnarok.exe and let it finish patching
6. Disable Read Only for patch2.txt
Fixing “Failed to get 塭斜縑憮譆褐贗塭檜樹蒂嫡嬴輿褊衛蹂.txt”:
1. Open Sakray.exe and let it fail
2. Open patch2.txt in your RO folder and search for “塭斜縑憮譆褐贗塭檜樹蒂嫡嬴輿褊衛蹂.txt”
3. Delete this line completely and move the rest of the lines up (Leaving no space at the top of the file).
4. Save the file and enable Read Only
5. Open Sakray.exe and let it finish patching
6. Disable Read Only for patch2.txt
NOTE: To enable read only right click the file and press properties. Near the bottom of the screen that pops up, there will be a checkbox that reads “Read Only”. Check this and press “Apply” followed by “OK”. Disabling “Read Me” is done by unchecking the box and pressing “Apply” followed by “OK”.
Q. Where is the client/IP for Ethereal-RO?
A. Ethereal-RO doesn’t require “sclientinfo.xml.” Simply install our client and and make sure you rename/move your Data folder if you have one.
Q. What do I do when I get errors that I never used to get even after I updated my Ethereal-RO patch?
A. Our developers always use the same link for you to download our patch so if a new patch is out, redownload the Ethereal-RO patch and overwrite the old one with the new one.
Q. What do I do when the server says “Failed to Connect”?
A-1. First time user? Your router’s firewall settings need to allow outbound TCP to 6900-6905. Your router settings are at, if you do not know how to edit them, use Google and search for the router’s model and the word manual.
A-2. Your RO clients have been incorrectly installed (refer above to know how to install your RO clients properly) or that the server is down. To check the server status, check it in Ethereal-RO IRC channel or at the top of the control panel. If you don’t like IRC, try to login and if it doesn’t, do something else.
A-3. If you were in-game and were disconnected and the problem persists, moving your character may solve this problem so contact one and let them know you need to be unstuck.
Q. Why can’t I make a character?
A. Someone may already have taken that name or your name is not made from the following characters:
Make sure your character’s name is at least 4-characters long and is made up of only the above characters.
Q. What do I do when I click “Start” to play the game (in the Auto-Patcher) and nothing happens?
A. Try again a few times and if you still can’t log-in, try clicking on the EtherealRO.exe in your C:\Program Files\EtherealRO\ folder. Otherwise, run Start Menu > Programs > Ethereal-RO > EtherealRO (last-resort) and connect with dscexe.exe directly.
Q. What do I do when the server says that it still recognizes my last login?
A. Try again a few times and if it keeps showing that, close the window, reopen it and try again.
Q. What do I do when the server says “Prohibited to login until…”?
A. You have probably had 3 or more unsuccessful login tries which resulted in this 5 to 10 minutes ban from the server. Wait until the time expires and try again. Remember that it’s case-sensitive so capitals count.
Q. What do I do to make the item descriptions in english?
A. Simply update your RO clients (kRO then Sakray) and finally the Ethereal-RO patch.
Q. Where can I find information about Ragnarok Online?
A. Click here.
Q. I was told to use dscexe.exe to connect if the patcher doesnt work for me, but I can’t find that file in the RO folder. Where is it?
A. It is in the Start Menu > Ethereal-RO > EtherealRO (last-resort).
Otherwise, that file is hidden by default, and you’ll have to change your windows explorer settings to display it. Open up My Documents and go to the following setting:
Tools> Folder Options >View> Show hidden Files and folders.
Q. What do I do when all/some of my equips/items/zeny are gone?
A. You can ask a GM to trace the hacker via IRC, forums or in-game by typing @request to any online GM. We hope to have the support page up soon. However, it could possibly be a loading glitch so log off a few minutes and log back in to see if the items have reappeared.
Q. What do I do when my character is stuck?
A. Simply ask a GM to warp you out but because you were stuck, this means you have to update your RO clients. Reply to the stickied topic “Help, I’m stuck!” in the forums will also help you get unstucked.
Q. What do I do when I get hacked/scammed/kill-stealed or when I want to report a bot?
A. Report to a GM by contacting one of them in-game, in IRC or PM one in the forums or post in the Report forum.
Q. What do I do when I want to change gender?
A. For now, we don’t do gender change. Please choose the gender that fits you.
Q. What do I do when I want to marry someone?
A. There’s a NPC in Prontera where you can marry your loved one (Prontera Church located in the north-east corner building). GMs could possibly hold a celebration event.
Q. What do I do if my account is gone/deleted?
A. Inactivity results in account deletion. The account expiration date has not been decided yet. Another reason may be because of hacking cases but make sure you are well-protected and things like that shouldn’t happen. Remember your account passes is your responsability.
Q. What do I do if I am banned?
A. Tough luck, read the rules and this may have never occured. In case of a wrong ban, ask a GM in IRC to help you clarify your issue.
Q. What do I do when the game closed by itself?
A-1. If no error popped up, it probably means the server is restarting/rebooting so check IRC to find out about the server’s status.
A-2. Another cause of this is because you are missing a driver. Similar to the “Q. What do I do when I get “Cannot init d3d OR grf file has a problem”?” question, you have to reinstall the drivers for your sound card in case you reinstalled Windows or reboot/format your computer.
Hard-Link (for Windows XP/2000): http://hermann.schinagl.tripod.com/nt/hardlinkshellext/hardlinkshellext.html